Novo Precision has been making straighteners since 1981. Novo roll straighteners can be used to straighten wire, straighten tube, strip straightening and the straightening of most linear materials. This equipment can handle wire diameters from a minimum of .006" to a maximum of .375". Our precision straighteners come in 1, 2 or 4 plane with each plane containing 7 or more roll bearings to give utmost straightness and functionality. Novo straighteners use 120 degree V groove bearings as there is less friction than the 90 degree ones on a standard roll straightener.
Novo offers roll-style straighteners for the really tough straightening requirements. Our roll straighteners can remove cast or helix from round wire as well as flat strip or shaped material, including hex, D-shaped, square, triangular, etc. In many cases even strip “camber” can be controlled. Novo’s precision straighteners can handle wire diameters from a minimum of .006” (0.15 mm) to a maximum of .375” (9.4 mm).
Quick Release Wire Straighteners
Novo offers Quick Release options in our larger models of straighteners. The Quick Release option allows for faster rethreading and changeover, requiring no resetting of the rolls/straightener bearings. Like our standard wire and tube straighteners, the Quick Release models come in multiple plane configurations with each plane having 11 custom grooved bearings.
Special Features
All Novo roll-style straighteners incorporate the following features:
Seven or more roll bearings per plane. Standard grade straighteners have as few as three.
Independent adjustments for each roll bearing. Standard grade roll straighteners typically have only some that are adjustable.
Low friction 120-degree "V" groove control channel. Standard grade straighteners typically use a harsher 90-degree that can mark round wire.
Caliper measurement setup and confirmation. Lesser-grade straighteners use the unreliable “touchy-feely” method which is slow and does not address ISO procedure and documentation requirements.
Bearing position locking torque wrench. Always a “free” tool included with each Novo precision straightener purchased. Eliminates stripping of the positioning and bearing screws through over-torqueing.
Smaller bearing roll diameters and closest center-to-center positioning. Results in an easier breaking of the wire memory and reacts to fine adjustments more aggressively.
Scientific straightening approach with Novo “Quick Set Reference Chart.” Allows for a very quick “zeroing” of the strip straightener and faster setup.
Novo Recording Chart. Used to record each wire application setup for future use. It eliminates the need to go through the setup effort on duplicate applications.
Meets ISO Recording Requirements. Contact us for trial evaluation!