Novo Precision

Lean Metrics Stand


The right information. In the right place. At the right time. In a simple, straight-forward format to guide decision-making.
It's the soul of Lean Manufacturing, and Novo Precisions Lean Metric Stands can help. Our Lean Metric Stands deliver information on the shop floor, when and where your team needs it. Easy to update, with standard graphic templates....our Metric Stands will help you deliver results!

The Lean Metrics Stand from Novo Precision is a turnkey system to support your Daily Operational Management. This durably constructed, small footprint metrics stand is meant to be on your shop floor right at the process. The Lean Metrics Stand gets your team engaged with a standard set of metrics around Safety, Quality, Delivery, Cost, and Morale tracked daily and to provide transparency to all your team members. Give us a call for pricing including our volume price breaks.